【学术报告】Inventing reactions for green and sustainable chemical syntheses
日期:2023-07-26 阅读:3242

主题:Inventing reactions for green and sustainable chemical syntheses




邀请人:涂永强 院士



E. B. Eddy Professor of Chemistry 

Department of Chemistry, FQRNT Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H3A0B8, Canada


Scientific Vita

2003- Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry, McGill University

2009- E. B. Eddy Professor of Chemistry McGill University

2000-2003 Professor of Chemistry, Tulane University, USA

1998-2000 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tulane University, USA

1994-1998 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Tulane University, USA

1992-1994 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow. Stanford University, USA

1989-1992 PhD, McGill University, Canada

1985-1988 MSc, Chemistry Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1979-1983 BSc, Zhengzhou University

2004-2021 Associate Editor (Green Chemistry)

2021-present Associate Editor (Chemical Communication)

2009-       Co-Director of the FQRNT Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis  

2009-       Director of CFI Infrastructure of Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals

D2012-2019 Director of NSERC CREATE (Center) for Green Chemistry


Awards and Recognition

Chemical Institute of Canada Medal (2022)

Humboldt research Award (2021),

2020 Catalysis Award (2020, Chemical Institute of Canada)

Killam Research Fellow of the Canadian Council of Arts (2018)

Alfred Bader Award (2018, Canadian Chemical Society)

R. U. Lemieux Award (2015, Canadian Chemical Society)

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2012)

Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, 2013)

Fellow of European Academy of Sciences (2020)

Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Award (2010)

Fellows of ACS/CIC/RSC/CCS,

US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2001),

US NSF Career Award (1998).


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