
个人主页: 招收2025年入学硕士博士生

  • 教育背景

    2006-2010  厦门大学, 化学工程及数理经济学,  双学士,  导师:罗正鸿教授

    2010-2016  中国科学院过程工程研究所, 化学工程博士, 导师:王军武研究员和李静海院士

  • 工作经历

    2021-2022   英国谢菲尔德大学, 助理教授, 博士生导师

    2020-2021   爱尔兰国立科克大学, 礼来制药冠名讲师, 博导

    2018-2020   英国剑桥大学, 博士后, 合作导师: James Elliott教授

    2016-2018   爱丁堡大学, 玛丽居里博后, 合作导师: Jin Ooi教授

  • 研究方向

    2025年招收若干 化学工程、计算机仿真粉体工程、固体制剂制药、计算流体力学、人工智能等方向 研究生及博后,欢迎有志之士联系

  • 科研项目

    主持/参与了欧盟、英国及中国多项政产学研重大项目, 与跨国化工公司 (巴斯夫、庄信万丰雀巢等),制药巨头(辉瑞阿斯利康GSK等),仪器设备公司(马尔文帕纳科、卡尔蔡司等),软件公司(IBM西门子EDEM等)等开展了广泛深入的生产研发项目合作

  • 代表性论文专著

    • Jiang, Y., Byrne, E., Glassey, J., & Chen, X. Integrating Graph Neural Network-Based Surrogate Modeling with Inverse Design for Granular Flows. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2024), 63 (20), 9225-9235.

    • Lin, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, L., & Chen, X. A comprehensive review of characterization techniques for particle adhesion and powder flowability. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, (2024), 125029.

    • Gao, X., Yan, W. C., Chen, X., & Luo, Z. Multiscale Modeling and Artificial Intelligence for Multiphase Flow Science. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2024), 63(22), 9609-9610.

    • Lin, L., Zhang, X., Yu, M., Mujtaba, I. M., & Chen, X. Optimized structure design for binary particle mixing in rotating drums using a combined DEM and Gaussian process-based model. Digital Chemical Engineering(2024), 12, 100175.

    • Lin, L., Yu, M., Liu, Y., Chen, X., & Luo, Z. A comparative analysis of techniques for characterizing particle-scale adhesion and cohesion. Powder Technology, (2024), 447, 120203.

    • Dai, S., Meng, F., Wang, Q., & Chen, X. DP2-NILM: A distributed and privacy-preserving framework for non-intrusive load monitoring. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2024), 191, 114091.

    • Jiang, Y., Byrne, E., Glassey, J., & Chen, X.  Reduced-order modeling of solid-liquid mixing in a stirred tank using data-driven singular value decomposition. Chemical Engineering Research and Design,(2023), 196, 40-51.

    • X Chen, L Wang, F Meng and Z Luo, Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Modelling Particle Aggregation and Breakage Processes, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2022), 131220.

    • Wang L G, Ge R, Chen X. Establishing an oblique impact breakage master curve using a DEM bonded contact model. Computers and Geotechnics, (2022), 145: 104668.

    • X Chen, D Peng, JP Morrissey, & JY Ooi. A comparative assessment and unification of bond models in DEM simulations. Granular Matter, (2022), 24(1), 1-20.

    • L Zhu, X Chen, B Ouyang, W Yan, H Lei, Z Chen, & Z Luo. Review of Machine Learning for Hydrodynamics, Transport, and Reactions in Multiphase Flows and Reactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, (2022), 61, 28, 9901–9949

    • Wang L G, Ge R, Chen X, et al. Multiscale digital twin for particle breakage in milling: From nanoindentation to population balance model. Powder Technology, (2021), 386: 247-261.

    • X Chen, James Elliott, On the scaling law of JKR contact model for coarse-grain cohesive particles, Chemical Engineering Science, (2020), 227, 115906

    • P Gajjar, I Styliari, T Nguyen; J Carr, X Chen, J Elliott, …, D Murnane, 3D Characterisation of Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations: Developing X-ray Micro Computed Tomography Approaches. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, (2020), 151, 32-44

    • J Wang, X Chen, W Bian, B Zhao, and J Wang, Quantifying the non-equilibrium characteristics of heterogeneous gas–solid flow of smooth, inelastic spheres using a computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2019), 866, 776-790

    • X Chen, J Wang. Mesoscale-structure-based dynamic multiscale method for gas-solid flow. Chemical Engineering Science ( 2018), 192, 864-881

    • X Chen, J Wang. Dynamic Multiscale Method for Gas-Solid Flow via Spatiotemporal Coupling of Two-Fluid Model and Discrete Particle Model. AIChE Journal (2017), 63, 3681-3691.

    • X Chen, J Wang. A comparison of two-fluid model, dense discrete particle model and CFD-DEM method for modeling impinging gas–solid flows. Powder Technology (2014), 254, 94-102. 

    • X Chen, J Wang, J Li. Coarse grid simulation of heterogeneous gas–solid flow in a CFB riser with polydisperse particles. Chemical Engineering Journal (2013), 234, 173-183. 

    • X Chen, Z Luo, W Yan, Y Lu, I Ng. Three-dimensional CFD-PBM coupled model of the temperature fields in fluidized-bed polymerization reactors. AIChE Journal (2011), 57, 3351-3366.

  • 人才培养


    指导学生获得百度飞桨AI共创计划特等奖、阿里云和英伟达举办的GPU Hackathon技术创新奖、首届粤港澳AI for Science科技竞赛一等奖、全国首届化工行业人工智能应用创新大赛创新先锋奖及优胜奖

  • 学术兼职


    百度 AI For Science学术导师


    中国颗粒学会 青年理事

    中国化工学会过程模拟及仿真专业委员会 青年委员

    Mathematical Problems in Engineering及Resources Chemicals and Materials期刊编委会成员

    Particuology期刊及Green Chemical Engineering期刊青年编委

    Processes期刊及Int. J. Chem. Reactor Eng.期刊客座编辑

    Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 及 Frontiers in Nanotechnology research等期刊编辑

  • 荣誉奖励




    Exceptional Promise (英国皇家工程院)




  • 人才需求


    感兴趣请发一份简历或 Motivation Letter 邮件联系,期待与您一起奋斗!

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