The Seventh China-Japan Chemical Industry-university-research Seminar Was Successfully Held in SJTU
Date: 2013-12-03

On 22nd, November, “The Seventh China-Japan Chemical Industry-university-research Seminar” was held in the center of academy and activities of SJTU, cosponsored by Japan Kinki Chemical Association and SCCE of SJTU. The guests were about 80 bilateral scholars and experts in academic circles and industrial circles. They had a discussion on the hot issues , which covered chemistry, chemical engineering, energy, and medicine.
As the host, professor Chen Jiesheng, the vice dean  of SCCE of SJTU made the opening address.  he extended the warmest welcome to all the distinguished guests and his congratulations on the convening of this seminar.

This seminar was co-chaired by Pan Lirui, the general director of Daicel Chiral Technologies (China) Limited Cooperation and Tao Hongzhi, the vice president of the Research Institute of Advanced Industrial Technology of SJTU. Mr. Tada Tetsuo, the chairman of the Chemical Council on International Communication, a professor in Doshisha University, firstly gave a speech about “ The Latest Developments Of Organic Synthetic Chemistry” which won much applause from the guests. And then,Mr. Tao Hongzhi, vice president of the production research institute gave a speech entitled “the introduction to Promoting PTR of SJTU”. Relevant topics inspired the attendees a great deal and generated a heated discussion among them. Professor Zhang Wanbin from SCCE of SJTU gave a  brief introduction of the latest achievements in theoretical research and the application of artificially synthesized artemisinin. Changshu Oil Chemical Co., Ltd.and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Industry Development Co., Ltd also introduced their own product innovation and technology research and development. Through the reports and post-conference contacts, bilateral  research units and enterprises had deepened their mutual understanding, which offered them favorable opportunities for their cooperation.
The dinner party of this seminar was hosted by Bin Furuya from Janese Nagase Trading Company Ltd. Professor Tada Tetsuo  in Doshisha University and Mr. Tao Hongzhi, vice president of the production research institute, delivered addresses respectively on behalf of the Japanese Chemical Council on International Communication and SJTU. They expressed their thanks to all the guests from the world and congratulations on the successful opening of this seminar. They extended their best wishes for better future of this seminar, which was expected to make new contribution to bilateral  communication and cooperation on chemistry. bilateral  chemical industry-university-research seminar was co-launched by Professor Zhang Wanbin from SCCE of SJTU and Professor Tamejiro Hiyama from Kyoto University, the chairman of the Chemical Council on International Communication in 2006. The seminar aimed to promote the bilateral communication and cooperation in chemistry and chemical engineering. Thanks to the influence of SJTU and the Japanese Chemical Council on International Communication on China and Japan even the whole world, seven China-Japan chemical industrial-university-research seminars achieved complete success with increasingly bigger scale and more attendees. The seminars played a positive role in promoting the communication and cooperation in bilateral  academic circle and industrial circle in chemistry.

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