
Zhenghong LUOProfessor

Tel: Phone: +86 21 54745602; Mobile: +86 13564334070. 
Email: luozh@sjtu.edu.cn 
Address: Room 407A, Chemistry Building A, 800 Dongchuan Rd. Minhang -District, Shanghai, China 
Home Page: pelab.sjtu.edu.cn 

Educational Background

Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, Zhejiang University, 2000-2003 M.S., School of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 1996-1999 B.S., College of Food Science and Engineering, Nanchang University, 1991-1995

Work Experience

2017-Present: Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2012-2017: Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2003-2012: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Xiamen University

1999-2000: Engineer, Sinopec Corp., China

1995-1996: Assistant Engineer, Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Co. Ltd., China

In the last two decades, I have established frequent international academic exchanges and collaborations with related research groups of famous universities in Belgium, Canada, the United States, and Singapore. In particular, I led a China-Belgium international cooperation project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (China funded CNY

2000,000 for the Chinese researcher and Belgium funded CNY 2000,000 for the Belgian researcher).

Research Interests

Luo’s research lab is specializing in CFD, multiscale modeling, transport phenomenon in multiphase systems, (polymerization) reaction engineering, reactor and process design, and advanced polymer manufacturing. As a group leader, Prof. Luo has made several fundamental contributions to the fields of multiphase flow science and chemical engineering, and published over 180 peer reviewed papers in prestigious international scientific journals as corresponding author. The current scientific interests of Luo’s research group focus on (1) multiscale modeling of multiphase flow systems, (2) polymer reaction engineering and process intensification and (3) model-based (polyolefin) reactor and process design. The details are given below for better illustration of the impact of these studies:

Research Project









I have been teaching the major course "Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics" for undergraduate students and the major course "Advanced Transfer and Separation" and "Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics" (ACET) for graduate students of Chemical Engineering since 2003. In particular, ACET was selected as the Zhiyuan Honorary Construction Course for the Graduate Students of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

I have trained and supervised 10 PhD graduates (all of them are engaged in teaching and scientific research in universities and six of them pursued faculty positions at top universities in China), over 40 master graduates and over 30 undergraduates. Nearly half of the graduates won the National Scholarships for Graduate Students and some of them won the prestigious international and national academic awards such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Bronze Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of the Jingbo-Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China.

For details, please see our Group Website: pelab.sjtu.edu.cn.

Software Copyright Reqistration and Patent


Part-time Academic Job







Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(2020-2022): Editorial Advisory Board (顾问编委)

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(2023-): Associate Editor (副主编)

Int. J. Chem. React. Eng.(2016-): 编委成员

Macromol. React. Eng.(2022-): International Advisory Board (国际顾问编委)

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering (2023-): 编委

化工学报 (2017-): 编委 


Honors and Awards

 2020 The First Prize of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China Science and Technology Award (Basic Research) (Ranked 1st)

Ø 2020 Zhuang Changgong Award of the Shanghai Society of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Ø 2020 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (Nominated), Shanghai Jiao Tong


Ø 2018 Distinguished Professor in Chemical Engineering, the Chang Jiang Scholars Program, the Ministry of Education of China

Ø 2018-2021 I&EC Research Excellence in Review Awards (Four times)

Ø 2018 Bronze Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China

Ø 2018 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor (Nominated), Shanghai Jiao Tong


Ø 2018 Outstanding Academic Leader of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Committee

Ø 2017 The 9th Hou Debang Chemical Science and Technology Innovation Award of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China

Ø 2017 National Leading Talent of 10,000 People Plan

Ø 2016 National Distinguished Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Ø 2016 Science and Technology Innovation Leaders Award for Youth Talents, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China

Ø 2014 The Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (Ranked 1st)

Ø 2011 The 18th Fujian Yunsheng Youth Science and Technology Award (Individual)

Ø 2011 Youth Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (Individual)

Ø 2011 The Second Prize of Fujian Technical Invention Award (Ranked 1st)

Ø 2011 The Second Prize of Technical Invention Award of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (Ranked 1st)

Ø 2009 The Second Prize of Fujian Science and Technology Award (Ranked 1st)

Ø 2006 The Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (Ranked 1st)

Address:800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China
PostCode:200240 Tel:021-54742893 E-mail:sjtuscce@sjtu.edu.cn


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