题目:Supramolecular Chemistry for the Real World – Molecular Devices with Medical Applications
报告人:Anthony P. Davis 英国布里斯托大学化学系
邀请人:董金桥 副教授,崔勇 教授
Anthony P Davis教授是国际著名的超分子化学家,目前就职于英国布里斯托大学化学系。入选英国皇家化学会会士(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry),并担任Organic and Biological Chemistry杂志编委的首席顾问。他一直从事超分子化学和主客体化学的研究,尤其在水溶性有机超分子的设计合成以及糖化合物的特异性识别这个重要领域做出了开创性的研究。所领导的课题组成功研究出一种能够高选择性结合葡萄糖的有机分子笼,将对现有的糖尿病治疗手段产生革命性的影响(Nat. Chem., 2019, 11, 52)。Davis教授目前共发表200多篇学术论文,其中包括Science (1篇),Nature (4篇),Nature Chemistry (5篇)和Nature Nanotechnology (1篇),并受邀近200场国际学术报告。
Supramolecular Chemistry may be defined as “the design and synthesis of functional molecules”. As the subject matures, it becomes increasingly important that these functions should be genuinely useful. Opportunities exist in medicine, but the precision required and the complexity of biological media raise major challenges. This lecture will discuss two areas where discoveries with real potential have been made. The first is the design of synthetic receptors for carbohydrates, especially glucose, an important target in the context of diabetes. Research in this field has led to a system with remarkable properties, potentially enabling developments such as glucose-responsive insulin. The second is the transport of anions across cell membranes by synthetic carriers, where high activities have been demonstrated and medical applications are under active investigation. Results in both areas suggest that the rational design of functional molecules can open new avenues in medicinal chemistry, complementing the standard paradigm of lock-and-key binding to macromolecular targets.